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The money is in the follow-up

What would you do if someone said to you: “Just leave me the information.”

I'm guilty of this myself. If I get a sales call and I’m not interested, I’ll say so. If I’m not sure if I’m interested, or I’m interested but it’s the wrong time for me to get into it, I’ll ask them to email me the details.

However, most of the time, I never end up looking at what they sent me. The day gets in the way, the email gets buried and I forget about it. And it will stay forgotten if they don’t follow up.

So, by all means, send them the details if they ask. But for heaven’s sake, follow up with them a few days later!

If you don't follow up, that's where you're going to lose the sale because they won't look at it of their own volition because if they were too busy to talk to you on the phone, they’re going to be too busy to look at your email later on as well. That’s just the human condition!

The benefit of you sending them the information though is that now you’ve got a sales tool you can walk through with them when you do follow up.

This will make the conversation easier, and your offer better understood. Remember, it’s a clear mind that buys.

About me

Hi there 👋 My name is Ange Dove, professional copywriter and messaging strategist. I help working professionals escape the 9 to 5 and start their own online business that they have the freedom to run from anywhere around their lifestyle and on their terms:)


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