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Invest in yourself or no one else will

How much have you invested in your own personal development?

This is a telling sign as to whether you're ready to set up your own business and expect people to buy from you …

… because if you haven't invested in yourself to be the best version you can be of yourself, and you're not continuing to grow, you’re actually moving backwards.

You can't really expect people to invest in you if you haven't done so.

What I typically see is clients struggling with their mindset when it comes to fixing prices. They balk at fixing a $15,000 price tag or $25,000 price tag on sharing their life’s work and knowledge because they’ve never invested that in themselves.

Often, the amount that you can charge for your products and services is directly related to the amount that you've actually spent on your own education and on your own time spent on the preparation of the courses and the products that you're offering.

Say for example the most you've ever paid for a course is $1000, then probably mentally, emotionally, you're going to struggle to actually sell a course for above $1000 yourself because you haven't invested that much in yourself in the first place.

But if you've invested hundreds and thousands in your own education and you've put in your time and money into yourself over the years, charging 10% of that value on your high ticket offer is around the amount you can feel comfortable selling.

Consider also why people buy

They don’t buy the information. They buy the transformation, the results.

Sell the transformation. What is that worth to your client? I’m betting it’s more than $1000.

When I invest in courses, I'm happy if I just get one thing that I can add to my repertoire and then I think it's worth it. I took a course recently where I knew 99% of the theory taught in the course, but the coach was able to give me a useful formula for creating content which was absolutely invaluable to me. I would have paid a lot more for that on its own.

So, look at it as an investment in yourself, not a cost to your business.

If you are struggling with what to charge, flip your mindset to that way of thinking. You're going to be a lot more enriched in your own knowledge and you'll be able to run a better business commanding higher prices as a result.

About me

Hi there 👋 My name is Ange Dove, professional copywriter and messaging strategist. I help working professionals escape the 9 to 5 and start their own online business that they have the freedom to run from anywhere around their lifestyle and on their terms:)


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